Some of us, we just gotta writhe

I've learnt (/remembered, from my lj days) a tiny bit of html to make this. You can too if you want.

Currently reading: Jane Austen (again)

Currently listening to: random Scottish folk mainly. And always Orville Peck and Grace Petrie

See some primary sources about Dr James Barry here

Wettest Orville Peck Songs

  1. Old River - literally about a river. Also mentions snow. A short song, but packs a lot of moisture into 61 seconds.
  2. Let Me Drown - it doesn't get much wetter than drowning. "Water is all around". Yeah, Mr Peck, in this song it sure is.
  3. Daytona Sand - partially about Daytona beach (which is by the sea, which is wet) and ends by repeatedly spelling Mississippi (which is a river. Also a state, I'm aware, but a state with a massive river in it. So a pretty damp state, I figure).
  4. C'mon Baby Cry - a thousand teardrops! That's a lot of moisture.
  5. Blush - not an incredibly wet song, but several references to wet things: the Thames, the tide, a fisherman('s son).
  6. Lafayette - we're down to just 'kinda damp' at this point on the list. "I love when it rains but I hate getting wet." "the bayou still sings every night".

Possibly the driest Orville Peck song is Hexie Mountains?

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